Sunday 7 September 2014

Week 1 summary

So this week hasn't been too bad at all. My downfall is that I am a snacker (one of those dreadful beings!)... So I have just been trying not to snack, in order to crack down. 

Although, I decided to measure my waist.., UH OH!!! A whole 2 inches larger than expected. So, my waist is now 32", having been 27" a little under 18 months ago! :/ now that's just not good! So... My mission to get it back is gunna take a wee bit longer than I had hoped. This may just be up turning to Day 372948 challenge! ERGH! Ah well... 7 days down all the same

For those of you that may be interested, my average daily energy consumption (net) is around 1400. 

Here goes... Operation lean mean

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