Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 19

Breakfast- grapefruit 100
Porridge w yoghurt 250
Bits 50
Black coffee 

Lunch- chicken 260g 400
Salad 100
Nuts 50

Dinner- ready brek w whey 200
Crackers x3 100

Snack- 2 ryvita w cottage cheese, pepper dip 200

Chocolate 150

Dinner- chicken w veg 300
Jacket potato 200

Day 18- pig out

Apple crisps, nice biscuit, coffee 

Breakfast- porridge, yogurt, apple 

Snack- cake 

Lunch- slice of bread, chicken breast 

2nd lunch- salad 
Cottage cheese 

Snack- custard 

OH MY GOODNESS, I am soooo due (sorry men!!)... But seriously... I cannot stop chomping.., one cure... GYM!!! 

Exercise- 5 miles x trainwr

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Day 17- lovely walk up and down the canal... SO HOT

Breakfast- 0.5 toast, apple, 1 digestive biscuit

Lunch- prawn and smoked salmon salad,  potato salad, 2 J2Os, a couple of CHUNKY CHIPS! 

Snack- bread slice with curd 

Dinner- 3 egg omelette, 

Exercise- 5 mile walk along the canal...
3.5 miles on x trainer

Monday 15 September 2014

Day 16

Breakfast- toast egg with 1 slice ham 

Snack- biscuit

Lunch- wrap w tuna and lettuce and a bit of cheese. 

Snack- yoghurt 

Dinner- risotto, pud, G&T 

Sunday 14 September 2014

Day 15-

Breakfast- 1.5 pieces toast w beans 
1/2 orange 1/2 apple

Lunch- grapefruit, apple, 99 flake, Doritos   

Snacks- coffee chocolate, cupcake 

Dinner- 2 crackers, 1 slice ham, salad, small amount cheese. 

Exercise- 2 mile beach walk 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day 14- Natasha's 21st!!!

Breakfast- porridge w almond milk
Grapefruit, whey, pineapple 

Lunch- salad w 200g chicken, small apple 

Snack- Doritos (5) with nice biscuit! 

Dinner- bolognaise 

Friday 12 September 2014

Day 13- DAY WITH MY BOY... Baking and all you can eat buffet!!

Breakfast- grapefruit, small apple, ready brek w almond milk, whey powder, 1/2 banana, crackers (2), 1/5 toast, 

Lunch- 4 Doritos, part of cupcake (was baking them for my friends birthday...) 

Exercise- 1 hour on x trainer (8 miles!!) WOOO... Arm workout! :D

Dinner- ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET PLUS COCKTAIL!!!! SO SO SO SO FULL!!!! I reckon about 1800 calories worth 
1st plate- 600
2nd plate- 600
Pud- 400
Cocktail- 200