Friday, 20 September 2013

Todays Workout.... ARSE!!!!

This will be my 5th day in a row of exercising... So I don't want to make it too heavy, as I have a hard one planned for this weekend... so this is just to keep the metabolism ticking over!

20 minutes HIIT (High Intensity Interval training)
This is great to work up a sweat. Normally I would do this for 40 mins, but this is my 5th day in a row in the gym... so want to do less cardio, and more muscle building exercises. I do this on the elliptical. The treadmill is probably better, as I know the elliptical is renowned for saggy arses but I prefer doing this followed by an arse... I mean glutes... workout!

5 mins warm up- increase HR to 60-70% (for me this is between 144-158... this can be calculated online!)
10 mins interval training... I am starting on a 1:3 ratio of HIGHEST INTENSITY: low intensity
(my HR tends to be around 180 (approx 85%) by the end of the 15secs FULL POWER (resistance 17). I then bring the resistance all the way back (to 5) for 45 seconds before repeating 10 times.
5 min cool down- I decrease the resistance to 5, to complete the rest of the workout

In time I will alter the ratios so that I am eventually doing 1:1.. but for now 1:3 is fine!

After that I will do the butt exercises
I asked for some ankle weights for my birthday and they are fantastic... FEEL THE BURN!!! Mine are from John Lewis, and I take them with me everywhere.
The workout I do for this is actually the Victoria Secrets butt workout... (I wonder why I googled that one!) and you can find it here....

Write the exercises down and then GO FOR IT! If you dont have ankle weights... squat away... the glutes are mega muscles... if you have them toned, think of the metabolism you will be creating... FAT BURNING FURNACE!!! I want me a big butt! So gunna have to work for this one! I also have a great workout for when I am actually in a gym with a smith machine etc... but this is more for maintenance! 

After the arse exercises I will do 3 sets of the following exercises
Deadlifts (35kg barbell) x10
Wide squats with 5kg dumbbells (i find this REALLY gets my lower back) x10
Normal Squats LOW (unweighted) x10 (aim of these is to go as low as possible... and after all of the previous exercises I am sure I will feel it....OUCH!)

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