Thursday, 19 September 2013

So, why am I here?

I am a 21 year old student about to enter my third year of university, and have found that since starting, my weight has been about as constant as a flipping roller coaster!

When I was at school I was a much bigger, weighing about 155 pounds at 5'7".... I just loved food (and junk at that)

When I was 17, I lost a lot of weight FAST, by doing a ridiculous amount of moderate intensity cardio and seriously restricting my eating. It worked, I lost the weight... but wasn't able to keep it off! I then put a bit back on and was the happiest I have ever been body wise (5'9", 126lbs)

I promised myself that I would stay at this... HA (FAT CHANCE!).... with my weight slowly increasing, I then started doing the dukan diet/ the 5:2 fast.... ANYTHING to try to keep my weight down.... FAIL!!!!!! The fat just kept increasing!! BOOOOOO!!!

Unfortunately I could never blame my weight on being big-boned... as... well... my wrists are ridiculously small. Neither was I stocky, as I had zilcho nilcho strength. So, in summary... bone and fat.... great!!!

So I now find myself aged 21, 5'9", 144lbs and 26% body fat, and I want to change!

My BMI may be within the normal range, but I don't care about 'weight' as such... I just want to jiggle a little less in the wrong places, and build my strength. I'm not going to use the phrase 'tone'... as that will come along it time. 

So, that is a brief description about my past, but now it is all about changing now. And after all, to change, you have to make change!!! 

So... I am going to set my goals on here now for all to see. Figured that this is the only way that I'll actually stick to something! I will try to post every few days on what I have been eating/ what exercises I have been doing (including when I slip... after all... I am human) and update my progress. 


Current stats
Weight: 144lbs
Fat percentage: 26%

Goal weight: (not fussed but ideally somewhere between 126-133)
Fat percentage: less than 20%

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